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You Can Trade

Ready To Get Serious Results From Your Trading?
Get The Tools & Trading Systems You Need To Start Making Consistent, Bankable PROFITS!

3 Powerful trading systems
Daily video analysis of trades
Step-by-step video training
I went live in Jan and I have beenhugely profitable since, this month alone I am up 600 pips!
FMP member Ali - Canada
3 Powerful Forex Trading Systems
Get full access to the same powerful trading systems, we use every day to pull profits out of the Forex market.
Daily Video Analysis Of Trades
Watch on video as we plan trades in advance and explain what we are looking at with each trading system for the days and weeks ahead.
Proprietary Trading Indicators
Get unlimited access to our custom propriatory indators and trading tools designed to make your trading life easy and profitable.
Full Step-By-Step Video Training
From basics to advanced trading systems, we walk you through everything you need in our step by step online video tutorials.
Private Members Forum
Join the FMP family, meet other members and ask questions, many of our members are now professional full time traders and happy to help you.
Help & Support
Our #1 goal is to help you succeed which is why we offer as much support as possible. Ask questions and get advice from real professional Forex traders.

New for 2016:
"Live" Training sessions included with your membership. Your chance to take part in live sessions with real, full time professional traders & fast track your performance.
We helped 6,478 Struggling Traders From All
Over The World... See What They Are Saying!
I have litterly turned my manual trading into a money making machine.. I make now 100-200 pips a week, sometimes more and I have only about 10 manual trades a week.
Marco Nierop - Netherlands

I have just completed the first week of trading live and just one trade on the EUR/USD has netted me 200 pips profit. I have cancelled all of my other subscriptions and wish I had found this 2 yrs ago.
Allen Fletcher - Australia

Like most people I have spent a lot of money on various Forex courses or signal services only to end disappointed or confused by their methods. Forex Mentor Pro run by Marc Walton is definitely the best system I have found. In my first week I made 290 pips on very low risk trades.
John - Thailand

Ive been with FMP for about 3 months now and ive had my first few winning trades aiming and averaging to about 100 pips a week which is totally great. I have never been able to go so far ever.
Jake - Australia

Now, for five consecutive months my account is growing. Last week I closed 420 pips. Not bad at all. Does that happen all the time ? No. But the pips are coming in my account every week now.
Jake - Australia

Since I have started using Marc´s methods my losing weeks are pretty eliminated. I made my best trades in my life in pips... More than 100 pips trades.
Michal - Slovakia

I have successfully been following FMP on a daily basis from the site since inseption and have grown my knowledge and made PIPs. Last month March was my best month 1168 pips.
Thanks to them I have done well and will and will recommend them.
Quinn, UK

Meet The Forex Mentor Pro Team!
Our team of professional traders dedicated to help you succeed!
Marc Walton
Full time trader, hedge fund manager and founder of Forex Mentor Pro, Marc trades Forex from his home in the sunny Canary Islands specialising and teaching his own M1-M2 trading systems.
Pierre Du Plessis
Starting as a student of FMP, Pierre studied hard and now trades Forex full time from his home in South Africa. As a mentor with us Pierre teaches his unique Earth & Sky Trading System while always maintaining a fun and cheerful atmosphere!
Omar Eltoukhy
Another long term member who turned professional trader. Omar is a valuable member of the team and has a fantastic ability to explain his analysis in a simple yet enjoyable format which helps our members excel quickly.
Forex Foundation Video Course
We get members of all skill levels joining us, some are already experienced in Forex looking to sharpen their skills while others are total beginners. We wanted to be able to help both sides of the spectrum which is why we created a complete video foundation course to teach beginners all the necessary basics needed to get started.

We take you by the hand, step by step and show you everything from setting up your trading station to basic technical analysis we use in our trading every day. Once you've gone through this course you will have a good grasp of everything you need to get started and be ready to dig into the more advanced stuff.
STT (Simple Trend Trading)
The STT (Simple Trend Trading) system is a unique "price action driven" trend trading method which is specifically designed so you can trade without being stuck in front of your charts. In fact members regularly pulls hundreds of pips out of the market each month while spending less that a few hours a week in front of their charts!

You will discover how to analyse STT trade setups and how we filter the good from the bad, you will also learn how we gauge the power of a trend before deciding which currency pairs to trade, a valuable technique that can be used with any system.

This system is the backbone of most forex trading systems including our own M1, M2 & Earth & sky systems. Once you master this simple system you will be able to trade virtually any forex method on earth!
M1 & M2 Trading System
This step-by-step course covers Marc's M1 & M2 Forex Trading Systems in full detail. It is jam-packed with "screen capture" videos which let you see exactly what's on our charts as we walk you through the method and show you dozens of setups and examples.

The M1 Forex system is a day trading system centred around London Open, if your time zone doesn't allow you to trade the London open or your current job interferes, no worries we have plenty of other methods to get around this.

The M2 Forex system focus's on a more longer term outlook and teaches you how to set what we call "trading traps" to catch pullbacks in a trend at high probability areas. This means you don't have to baby sit your trades, its a set and forget method!
Earth & Sky Trading System
Pierre's Earth & Sky trading system is a unique and powerful swing trading method focused on medium to long term trading. By utilising weekly fib levels and certain moving averages this system allows you to predict market swing point often days in advance.

Pierre also shows you exactly how he pinpoints his entries by using pivot points and then use's the Euro Index to back up his trades and add an extra edge into his trading method.

Combine that with the tips and tricks revealed in this course and you are well on your way to consistent profits.
I have been struggling with forex for about 3 years... and since learning to follow his system my trading has taken off! I went live in Jan and have been hugely profitable since. This month alone March 1 to march 12 I am up 600 pips. To echo another member this is an excellent , excellent system.
Ali - British Columbia, Canada

The daily video mentoring and analysis is where the meat of your education will take place. Every trading day we share with you our view on the markets via written and video analysis. You will be able to see our charts on video as we explain what we are looking for with each of our trading methods. You will know exactly where we are planning on making a trade and most importantly why we are planning on making a trade. This is where you will gain valuable experience as you continually check your analysis against ours and learn from the process.

Plus you get unlimited access to over 12 months worth of previous video analysis so you can easily back track and get up to speed. It's 100% meat and instantly usable material you can take action on today and begin transforming into a professional Forex trader.

   00:00             00:00      
Our private members forum is run by full time professional trader, Pierre. Pierre is available during the London & early New York Sessions to offer help & advice. If you are planning a trade and are unsure then ask Pierre for his opinion. The forum is also a a great place to meet other FMP members, many of whom have made the journey from novice to professional Forex trader and are happy to help the new members.

Unlike some of the public forums there are no ego's here. If you have a question just ask, no question is too silly, we have all been where you are and we are always happy to help. We have experienced members from around the world, so if you are unable to trade whilst Pierre is around, there is usually someone there with whom you can chat & exchange ideas.
The forum is literally a chatroom where everybody tells me.. err.. each other what trades they're in and taking and why. This truly is the best educational tool on the site. There's always someone available to ask questions to and bounce ideas off of and it's always buzzing on a Friday with all the happy people who've made hundreds of pips for the week.
Ady, UK

Ready To Get Started And Transform Your Trading?
Get started today for just $1 giving you 7 days full access
No risk, no long term commitments, you are free to cancel at any time

Safe & secure Payments
Want To See More Success Stories?
I have been with FMP right from when it first started and have found it to be professionally run and one of the best places for learning how to trade. I have only recently become consistently profitable and that was through what I learnt at FMP
Robbie - New Zealand

I have now been with Forex Mentor Pro for over a year and you don't stay with something that long unless it's worth it! The mentors each provide analysis and updates twice a week and I have to say that Marc especially can be uncannily accurate. If I could give 6 stars, I would. For what it costs, you've just got to try it!
Keith - UK

WOW!!! is the only way to discribe Marc Walton and FOREX MENTOR PRO. I've been doing forex now live now for about 3 yrs now and have spent thousands trying to learn how not to go broke with little success. Then came Marc with his low key approach and simple to follow methods and within days I was making money. Marc is a natural teacher who you can tell likes what he does. The web site has plenty of videos and e-books to study covering everything you need to become a confident trader.
If you want to become a independent traider give it a try.
Rick - USA

Over the years I have bought every $97 holy grail out there, and subscribed to more services than I care to admit to, but this is the only one I've been moved to write a review about. The service is excellent, the information is invaluable, and all underpinned by the commitment and humility of Marc and Team. If this service doesn't get you there, nothing will. Personally, I cannot speak highly enough of the service. If you join, you will not be disappointed. And trust me, I don't say stuff like this lightly!
Paul - St Albans UK

These guys are really into the business of trading not into the business of Marketing trading. Their material is clear, to the point and they teach you how to analyze the market and trade it profitably! I would recommend the site to everyone.
Eliza - Belgium

The Real Deal. A must for anyone serious about becoming a trader. I've been a member for over two years. One of the Best on the net!
AL - Phuket, Thailand

Absolutely the best forex site on the web. No smoke and mirrors. Just great common sense and understandable teaching. Worth ten times the price!
Tom Lee - USA

This is the real deal. Out of all the forex scams out there, there does exist an honest and effective service, and it is cheap! I just left a service that was $497 per month!
Marc is actually honest. Plus no paid testamonials, no crap, no upselling and so on. It sounds too good to be true, BUT it is real. After following his blogs for a few weeks, I decided to drop all my previous indicators and ideas and give his systems a go with an open mind. After now using them, I don't want to go back to my old stuff!
I'm glad I'm not trying to compete with him, (sorry old service) but feel very blessed that I was referred to this service. Regardless of your experience level, there is something for everyone here.
Thank You Marc!!!

Freqently Asked Questions
I see its $1 for the 7 day trial but whats the full cost of your service?
If you continue with our service after the trial your membership will cost $47/month. However you can cancel your membership at any time during or after the trial period.
If I take the $1 trial but decide its not for me will I be charged more money?
No. If you decide our service is not for you simply cancel your membership anytime within the trial period and you will not be charged any further membership fees.
I work full time, can I still make use of your service and trade around my job?
Yes! We focus mainly on swing trading so this is not a problem. Usually you can set your entries, stops, targets and check back later on in the day. In fact most of our professional traders prefer not to have to be at their charts all day and would rather be out doing other things.
Do I need previous trading experience to join Forex Mentor Pro?
No experience necessary. We cover everything you need to get started in out Forex Foundation course which you will have full access to once you join.
How long will it take me to become a profitable trader?
This varies from trader to trader so we can not give you an exact amount of time, some members pick it up quickly and excel while others take much longer. But if you stick at it you will make it!
Do I need any other expensive services to learn to trade, like charting?
No, we will show you where you can get a charting platform and everything you need for free. You can use a free demo account while you learn so there is no other cost involved.
Do you offer a signal service so I can copy your trades?
No, although we do explain where we are looking to trade in advance we are not a signal service. Our aim is to teach you how to find profitable trades for yourself so you are not reliant on us in the future.
What's the minimum amount I can trade with on a live account?
With some of our recommended brokers you can open a live trading account with as little as $200 but we always recommend that you start on a demo account until you have a firm grasp of trading.

ClickBank is the retailer of this product. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 917 S. Lusk Street, Suite 200, Boise Idaho, 83706, USA and used by permission. ClickBank's role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of this product or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of this product.
Ready To Get Serious Results From Your Trading?
Get The Tools & Trading Systems You Need To Start Making Consistent, Bankable PROFITS!

3 Powerful trading systems
Daily video analysis of trades
Step-by-step video training
I went live in Jan and I have beenhugely profitable since, this month alone I am up 600 pips!
FMP member Ali - Canada
3 Powerful Forex Trading Systems
Get full access to the same powerful trading systems, we use every day to pull profits out of the Forex market.
Daily Video Analysis Of Trades
Watch on video as we plan trades in advance and explain what we are looking at with each trading system for the days and weeks ahead.
Proprietary Trading Indicators
Get unlimited access to our custom propriatory indators and trading tools designed to make your trading life easy and profitable.
Full Step-By-Step Video Training
From basics to advanced trading systems, we walk you through everything you need in our step by step online video tutorials.
Private Members Forum
Join the FMP family, meet other members and ask questions, many of our members are now professional full time traders and happy to help you.
Help & Support
Our #1 goal is to help you succeed which is why we offer as much support as possible. Ask questions and get advice from real professional Forex traders.

New for 2016:
"Live" Training sessions included with your membership. Your chance to take part in live sessions with real, full time professional traders & fast track your performance.
We helped 6,478 Struggling Traders From All
Over The World... See What They Are Saying!
I have litterly turned my manual trading into a money making machine.. I make now 100-200 pips a week, sometimes more and I have only about 10 manual trades a week.
Marco Nierop - Netherlands

I have just completed the first week of trading live and just one trade on the EUR/USD has netted me 200 pips profit. I have cancelled all of my other subscriptions and wish I had found this 2 yrs ago.
Allen Fletcher - Australia

Like most people I have spent a lot of money on various Forex courses or signal services only to end disappointed or confused by their methods. Forex Mentor Pro run by Marc Walton is definitely the best system I have found. In my first week I made 290 pips on very low risk trades.
John - Thailand

Ive been with FMP for about 3 months now and ive had my first few winning trades aiming and averaging to about 100 pips a week which is totally great. I have never been able to go so far ever.
Jake - Australia

Now, for five consecutive months my account is growing. Last week I closed 420 pips. Not bad at all. Does that happen all the time ? No. But the pips are coming in my account every week now.
Jake - Australia

Since I have started using Marc´s methods my losing weeks are pretty eliminated. I made my best trades in my life in pips... More than 100 pips trades.
Michal - Slovakia

I have successfully been following FMP on a daily basis from the site since inseption and have grown my knowledge and made PIPs. Last month March was my best month 1168 pips.
Thanks to them I have done well and will and will recommend them.
Quinn, UK

Meet The Forex Mentor Pro Team!
Our team of professional traders dedicated to help you succeed!
Marc Walton
Full time trader, hedge fund manager and founder of Forex Mentor Pro, Marc trades Forex from his home in the sunny Canary Islands specialising and teaching his own M1-M2 trading systems.
Pierre Du Plessis
Starting as a student of FMP, Pierre studied hard and now trades Forex full time from his home in South Africa. As a mentor with us Pierre teaches his unique Earth & Sky Trading System while always maintaining a fun and cheerful atmosphere!
Omar Eltoukhy
Another long term member who turned professional trader. Omar is a valuable member of the team and has a fantastic ability to explain his analysis in a simple yet enjoyable format which helps our members excel quickly.
Forex Foundation Video Course
We get members of all skill levels joining us, some are already experienced in Forex looking to sharpen their skills while others are total beginners. We wanted to be able to help both sides of the spectrum which is why we created a complete video foundation course to teach beginners all the necessary basics needed to get started.

We take you by the hand, step by step and show you everything from setting up your trading station to basic technical analysis we use in our trading every day. Once you've gone through this course you will have a good grasp of everything you need to get started and be ready to dig into the more advanced stuff.
STT (Simple Trend Trading)
The STT (Simple Trend Trading) system is a unique "price action driven" trend trading method which is specifically designed so you can trade without being stuck in front of your charts. In fact members regularly pulls hundreds of pips out of the market each month while spending less that a few hours a week in front of their charts!

You will discover how to analyse STT trade setups and how we filter the good from the bad, you will also learn how we gauge the power of a trend before deciding which currency pairs to trade, a valuable technique that can be used with any system.

This system is the backbone of most forex trading systems including our own M1, M2 & Earth & sky systems. Once you master this simple system you will be able to trade virtually any forex method on earth!
M1 & M2 Trading System
This step-by-step course covers Marc's M1 & M2 Forex Trading Systems in full detail. It is jam-packed with "screen capture" videos which let you see exactly what's on our charts as we walk you through the method and show you dozens of setups and examples.

The M1 Forex system is a day trading system centred around London Open, if your time zone doesn't allow you to trade the London open or your current job interferes, no worries we have plenty of other methods to get around this.

The M2 Forex system focus's on a more longer term outlook and teaches you how to set what we call "trading traps" to catch pullbacks in a trend at high probability areas. This means you don't have to baby sit your trades, its a set and forget method!

Earth & Sky Trading System
Pierre's Earth & Sky trading system is a unique and powerful swing trading method focused on medium to long term trading. By utilising weekly fib levels and certain moving averages this system allows you to predict market swing point often days in advance.

Pierre also shows you exactly how he pinpoints his entries by using pivot points and then use's the Euro Index to back up his trades and add an extra edge into his trading method.

Combine that with the tips and tricks revealed in this course and you are well on your way to consistent profits.
I have been struggling with forex for about 3 years... and since learning to follow his system my trading has taken off! I went live in Jan and have been hugely profitable since. This month alone March 1 to march 12 I am up 600 pips. To echo another member this is an excellent , excellent system.
Ali - British Columbia, Canada

The daily video mentoring and analysis is where the meat of your education will take place. Every trading day we share with you our view on the markets via written and video analysis. You will be able to see our charts on video as we explain what we are looking for with each of our trading methods. You will know exactly where we are planning on making a trade and most importantly why we are planning on making a trade. This is where you will gain valuable experience as you continually check your analysis against ours and learn from the process.

Plus you get unlimited access to over 12 months worth of previous video analysis so you can easily back track and get up to speed. It's 100% meat and instantly usable material you can take action on today and begin transforming into a professional Forex trader.

   00:00             00:00      
Our private members forum is run by full time professional trader, Pierre. Pierre is available during the London & early New York Sessions to offer help & advice. If you are planning a trade and are unsure then ask Pierre for his opinion. The forum is also a a great place to meet other FMP members, many of whom have made the journey from novice to professional Forex trader and are happy to help the new members.

Unlike some of the public forums there are no ego's here. If you have a question just ask, no question is too silly, we have all been where you are and we are always happy to help. We have experienced members from around the world, so if you are unable to trade whilst Pierre is around, there is usually someone there with whom you can chat & exchange ideas.
The forum is literally a chatroom where everybody tells me.. err.. each other what trades they're in and taking and why. This truly is the best educational tool on the site. There's always someone available to ask questions to and bounce ideas off of and it's always buzzing on a Friday with all the happy people who've made hundreds of pips for the week.
Ady, UK

Ready To Get Started And Transform Your Trading?
Get started today for just $1 giving you 7 days full access
No risk, no long term commitments, you are free to cancel at any time

Safe & secure Payments
Want To See More Success Stories?
I have been with FMP right from when it first started and have found it to be professionally run and one of the best places for learning how to trade. I have only recently become consistently profitable and that was through what I learnt at FMP
Robbie - New Zealand

I have now been with Forex Mentor Pro for over a year and you don't stay with something that long unless it's worth it! The mentors each provide analysis and updates twice a week and I have to say that Marc especially can be uncannily accurate. If I could give 6 stars, I would. For what it costs, you've just got to try it!
Keith - UK

WOW!!! is the only way to discribe Marc Walton and FOREX MENTOR PRO. I've been doing forex now live now for about 3 yrs now and have spent thousands trying to learn how not to go broke with little success. Then came Marc with his low key approach and simple to follow methods and within days I was making money. Marc is a natural teacher who you can tell likes what he does. The web site has plenty of videos and e-books to study covering everything you need to become a confident trader.
If you want to become a independent traider give it a try.
Rick - USA

Over the years I have bought every $97 holy grail out there, and subscribed to more services than I care to admit to, but this is the only one I've been moved to write a review about. The service is excellent, the information is invaluable, and all underpinned by the commitment and humility of Marc and Team. If this service doesn't get you there, nothing will. Personally, I cannot speak highly enough of the service. If you join, you will not be disappointed. And trust me, I don't say stuff like this lightly!
Paul - St Albans UK

These guys are really into the business of trading not into the business of Marketing trading. Their material is clear, to the point and they teach you how to analyze the market and trade it profitably! I would recommend the site to everyone.
Eliza - Belgium

The Real Deal. A must for anyone serious about becoming a trader. I've been a member for over two years. One of the Best on the net!
AL - Phuket, Thailand

Absolutely the best forex site on the web. No smoke and mirrors. Just great common sense and understandable teaching. Worth ten times the price!
Tom Lee - USA

This is the real deal. Out of all the forex scams out there, there does exist an honest and effective service, and it is cheap! I just left a service that was $497 per month!
Marc is actually honest. Plus no paid testamonials, no crap, no upselling and so on. It sounds too good to be true, BUT it is real. After following his blogs for a few weeks, I decided to drop all my previous indicators and ideas and give his systems a go with an open mind. After now using them, I don't want to go back to my old stuff!
I'm glad I'm not trying to compete with him, (sorry old service) but feel very blessed that I was referred to this service. Regardless of your experience level, there is something for everyone here.
Thank You Marc!!!

Freqently Asked Questions
I see its $1 for the 7 day trial but whats the full cost of your service?
If you continue with our service after the trial your membership will cost $47/month. However you can cancel your membership at any time during or after the trial period.
If I take the $1 trial but decide its not for me will I be charged more money?
No. If you decide our service is not for you simply cancel your membership anytime within the trial period and you will not be charged any further membership fees.
I work full time, can I still make use of your service and trade around my job?
Yes! We focus mainly on swing trading so this is not a problem. Usually you can set your entries, stops, targets and check back later on in the day. In fact most of our professional traders prefer not to have to be at their charts all day and would rather be out doing other things.
Do I need previous trading experience to join Forex Mentor Pro?
No experience necessary. We cover everything you need to get started in out Forex Foundation course which you will have full access to once you join.
How long will it take me to become a profitable trader?
This varies from trader to trader so we can not give you an exact amount of time, some members pick it up quickly and excel while others take much longer. But if you stick at it you will make it!
Do I need any other expensive services to learn to trade, like charting?
No, we will show you where you can get a charting platform and everything you need for free. You can use a free demo account while you learn so there is no other cost involved.
Do you offer a signal service so I can copy your trades?
No, although we do explain where we are looking to trade in advance we are not a signal service. Our aim is to teach you how to find profitable trades for yourself so you are not reliant on us in the future.
What's the minimum amount I can trade with on a live account?
With some of our recommended brokers you can open a live trading account with as little as $200 but we always recommend that you start on a demo account until you have a firm grasp of trading.

ClickBank is the retailer of this product. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 917 S. Lusk Street, Suite 200, Boise Idaho, 83706, USA and used by permission. ClickBank's role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of this product or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of this product.
Ready To Get Serious Results From Your Trading?
Get The Tools & Trading Systems You Need To Start Making Consistent, Bankable PROFITS!

3 Powerful trading systems
Daily video analysis of trades
Step-by-step video training
I went live in Jan and I have beenhugely profitable since, this month alone I am up 600 pips!
FMP member Ali - Canada
3 Powerful Forex Trading Systems
Get full access to the same powerful trading systems, we use every day to pull profits out of the Forex market.
Daily Video Analysis Of Trades
Watch on video as we plan trades in advance and explain what we are looking at with each trading system for the days and weeks ahead.
Proprietary Trading Indicators
Get unlimited access to our custom propriatory indators and trading tools designed to make your trading life easy and profitable.
Full Step-By-Step Video Training
From basics to advanced trading systems, we walk you through everything you need in our step by step online video tutorials.
Private Members Forum
Join the FMP family, meet other members and ask questions, many of our members are now professional full time traders and happy to help you.
Help & Support
Our #1 goal is to help you succeed which is why we offer as much support as possible. Ask questions and get advice from real professional Forex traders.

New for 2016:
"Live" Training sessions included with your membership. Your chance to take part in live sessions with real, full time professional traders & fast track your performance.
We helped 6,478 Struggling Traders From All
Over The World... See What They Are Saying!
I have litterly turned my manual trading into a money making machine.. I make now 100-200 pips a week, sometimes more and I have only about 10 manual trades a week.
Marco Nierop - Netherlands

I have just completed the first week of trading live and just one trade on the EUR/USD has netted me 200 pips profit. I have cancelled all of my other subscriptions and wish I had found this 2 yrs ago.
Allen Fletcher - Australia

Like most people I have spent a lot of money on various Forex courses or signal services only to end disappointed or confused by their methods. Forex Mentor Pro run by Marc Walton is definitely the best system I have found. In my first week I made 290 pips on very low risk trades.
John - Thailand

Ive been with FMP for about 3 months now and ive had my first few winning trades aiming and averaging to about 100 pips a week which is totally great. I have never been able to go so far ever.
Jake - Australia

Now, for five consecutive months my account is growing. Last week I closed 420 pips. Not bad at all. Does that happen all the time ? No. But the pips are coming in my account every week now.
Jake - Australia

Since I have started using Marc´s methods my losing weeks are pretty eliminated. I made my best trades in my life in pips... More than 100 pips trades.
Michal - Slovakia

I have successfully been following FMP on a daily basis from the site since inseption and have grown my knowledge and made PIPs. Last month March was my best month 1168 pips.
Thanks to them I have done well and will and will recommend them.
Quinn, UK

Meet The Forex Mentor Pro Team!
Our team of professional traders dedicated to help you succeed!
Marc Walton
Full time trader, hedge fund manager and founder of Forex Mentor Pro, Marc trades Forex from his home in the sunny Canary Islands specialising and teaching his own M1-M2 trading systems.
Pierre Du Plessis
Starting as a student of FMP, Pierre studied hard and now trades Forex full time from his home in South Africa. As a mentor with us Pierre teaches his unique Earth & Sky Trading System while always maintaining a fun and cheerful atmosphere!
Omar Eltoukhy
Another long term member who turned professional trader. Omar is a valuable member of the team and has a fantastic ability to explain his analysis in a simple yet enjoyable format which helps our members excel quickly.
Forex Foundation Video Course
We get members of all skill levels joining us, some are already experienced in Forex looking to sharpen their skills while others are total beginners. We wanted to be able to help both sides of the spectrum which is why we created a complete video foundation course to teach beginners all the necessary basics needed to get started.

We take you by the hand, step by step and show you everything from setting up your trading station to basic technical analysis we use in our trading every day. Once you've gone through this course you will have a good grasp of everything you need to get started and be ready to dig into the more advanced stuff.
STT (Simple Trend Trading)
The STT (Simple Trend Trading) system is a unique "price action driven" trend trading method which is specifically designed so you can trade without being stuck in front of your charts. In fact members regularly pulls hundreds of pips out of the market each month while spending less that a few hours a week in front of their charts!

You will discover how to analyse STT trade setups and how we filter the good from the bad, you will also learn how we gauge the power of a trend before deciding which currency pairs to trade, a valuable technique that can be used with any system.

This system is the backbone of most forex trading systems including our own M1, M2 & Earth & sky systems. Once you master this simple system you will be able to trade virtually any forex method on earth!
M1 & M2 Trading System
This step-by-step course covers Marc's M1 & M2 Forex Trading Systems in full detail. It is jam-packed with "screen capture" videos which let you see exactly what's on our charts as we walk you through the method and show you dozens of setups and examples.

The M1 Forex system is a day trading system centred around London Open, if your time zone doesn't allow you to trade the London open or your current job interferes, no worries we have plenty of other methods to get around this.

The M2 Forex system focus's on a more longer term outlook and teaches you how to set what we call "trading traps" to catch pullbacks in a trend at high probability areas. This means you don't have to baby sit your trades, its a set and forget method!
Earth & Sky Trading System
Pierre's Earth & Sky trading system is a unique and powerful swing trading method focused on medium to long term trading. By utilising weekly fib levels and certain moving averages this system allows you to predict market swing point often days in advance.

Pierre also shows you exactly how he pinpoints his entries by using pivot points and then use's the Euro Index to back up his trades and add an extra edge into his trading method.

Combine that with the tips and tricks revealed in this course and you are well on your way to consistent profits.
I have been struggling with forex for about 3 years... and since learning to follow his system my trading has taken off! I went live in Jan and have been hugely profitable since. This month alone March 1 to march 12 I am up 600 pips. To echo another member this is an excellent , excellent system.
Ali - British Columbia, Canada

The daily video mentoring and analysis is where the meat of your education will take place. Every trading day we share with you our view on the markets via written and video analysis. You will be able to see our charts on video as we explain what we are looking for with each of our trading methods. You will know exactly where we are planning on making a trade and most importantly why we are planning on making a trade. This is where you will gain valuable experience as you continually check your analysis against ours and learn from the process.

Plus you get unlimited access to over 12 months worth of previous video analysis so you can easily back track and get up to speed. It's 100% meat and instantly usable material you can take action on today and begin transforming into a professional Forex trader.

   00:00             00:00      
Our private members forum is run by full time professional trader, Pierre. Pierre is available during the London & early New York Sessions to offer help & advice. If you are planning a trade and are unsure then ask Pierre for his opinion. The forum is also a a great place to meet other FMP members, many of whom have made the journey from novice to professional Forex trader and are happy to help the new members.

Unlike some of the public forums there are no ego's here. If you have a question just ask, no question is too silly, we have all been where you are and we are always happy to help. We have experienced members from around the world, so if you are unable to trade whilst Pierre is around, there is usually someone there with whom you can chat & exchange ideas.
The forum is literally a chatroom where everybody tells me.. err.. each other what trades they're in and taking and why. This truly is the best educational tool on the site. There's always someone available to ask questions to and bounce ideas off of and it's always buzzing on a Friday with all the happy people who've made hundreds of pips for the week.
Ady, UK

Ready To Get Started And Transform Your Trading?
Get started today for just $1 giving you 7 days full access
No risk, no long term commitments, you are free to cancel at any time

Safe & secure Payments
Want To See More Success Stories?
I have been with FMP right from when it first started and have found it to be professionally run and one of the best places for learning how to trade. I have only recently become consistently profitable and that was through what I learnt at FMP
Robbie - New Zealand

I have now been with Forex Mentor Pro for over a year and you don't stay with something that long unless it's worth it! The mentors each provide analysis and updates twice a week and I have to say that Marc especially can be uncannily accurate. If I could give 6 stars, I would. For what it costs, you've just got to try it!
Keith - UK

WOW!!! is the only way to discribe Marc Walton and FOREX MENTOR PRO. I've been doing forex now live now for about 3 yrs now and have spent thousands trying to learn how not to go broke with little success. Then came Marc with his low key approach and simple to follow methods and within days I was making money. Marc is a natural teacher who you can tell likes what he does. The web site has plenty of videos and e-books to study covering everything you need to become a confident trader.
If you want to become a independent traider give it a try.
Rick - USA

Over the years I have bought every $97 holy grail out there, and subscribed to more services than I care to admit to, but this is the only one I've been moved to write a review about. The service is excellent, the information is invaluable, and all underpinned by the commitment and humility of Marc and Team. If this service doesn't get you there, nothing will. Personally, I cannot speak highly enough of the service. If you join, you will not be disappointed. And trust me, I don't say stuff like this lightly!
Paul - St Albans UK

These guys are really into the business of trading not into the business of Marketing trading. Their material is clear, to the point and they teach you how to analyze the market and trade it profitably! I would recommend the site to everyone.
Eliza - Belgium

The Real Deal. A must for anyone serious about becoming a trader. I've been a member for over two years. One of the Best on the net!
AL - Phuket, Thailand

Absolutely the best forex site on the web. No smoke and mirrors. Just great common sense and understandable teaching. Worth ten times the price!
Tom Lee - USA

This is the real deal. Out of all the forex scams out there, there does exist an honest and effective service, and it is cheap! I just left a service that was $497 per month!
Marc is actually honest. Plus no paid testamonials, no crap, no upselling and so on. It sounds too good to be true, BUT it is real. After following his blogs for a few weeks, I decided to drop all my previous indicators and ideas and give his systems a go with an open mind. After now using them, I don't want to go back to my old stuff!
I'm glad I'm not trying to compete with him, (sorry old service) but feel very blessed that I was referred to this service. Regardless of your experience level, there is something for everyone here.
Thank You Marc!!!

Freqently Asked Questions
I see its $1 for the 7 day trial but whats the full cost of your service?
If you continue with our service after the trial your membership will cost $47/month. However you can cancel your membership at any time during or after the trial period.
If I take the $1 trial but decide its not for me will I be charged more money?
No. If you decide our service is not for you simply cancel your membership anytime within the trial period and you will not be charged any further membership fees.
I work full time, can I still make use of your service and trade around my job?
Yes! We focus mainly on swing trading so this is not a problem. Usually you can set your entries, stops, targets and check back later on in the day. In fact most of our professional traders prefer not to have to be at their charts all day and would rather be out doing other things.
Do I need previous trading experience to join Forex Mentor Pro?
No experience necessary. We cover everything you need to get started in out Forex Foundation course which you will have full access to once you join.
How long will it take me to become a profitable trader?
This varies from trader to trader so we can not give you an exact amount of time, some members pick it up quickly and excel while others take much longer. But if you stick at it you will make it!
Do I need any other expensive services to learn to trade, like charting?
No, we will show you where you can get a charting platform and everything you need for free. You can use a free demo account while you learn so there is no other cost involved.
Do you offer a signal service so I can copy your trades?
No, although we do explain where we are looking to trade in advance we are not a signal service. Our aim is to teach you how to find profitable trades for yourself so you are not reliant on us in the future.
What's the minimum amount I can trade with on a live account?
With some of our recommended brokers you can open a live trading account with as little as $200 but we always recommend that you start on a demo account until you have a firm grasp of trading.

ClickBank is the retailer of this product. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 917 S. Lusk Street, Suite 200, Boise Idaho, 83706, USA and used by permission. ClickBank's role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of this product or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of this product.
Ready To Get Serious Results From Your Trading?
Get The Tools & Trading Systems You Need To Start Making Consistent, Bankable PROFITS!

3 Powerful trading systems
Daily video analysis of trades
Step-by-step video training
I went live in Jan and I have beenhugely profitable since, this month alone I am up 600 pips!
FMP member Ali - Canada
3 Powerful Forex Trading Systems
Get full access to the same powerful trading systems, we use every day to pull profits out of the Forex market.
Daily Video Analysis Of Trades
Watch on video as we plan trades in advance and explain what we are looking at with each trading system for the days and weeks ahead.
Proprietary Trading Indicators
Get unlimited access to our custom propriatory indators and trading tools designed to make your trading life easy and profitable.
Full Step-By-Step Video Training
From basics to advanced trading systems, we walk you through everything you need in our step by step online video tutorials.
Private Members Forum
Join the FMP family, meet other members and ask questions, many of our members are now professional full time traders and happy to help you.
Help & Support
Our #1 goal is to help you succeed which is why we offer as much support as possible. Ask questions and get advice from real professional Forex traders.

New for 2016:
"Live" Training sessions included with your membership. Your chance to take part in live sessions with real, full time professional traders & fast track your performance.
We helped 6,478 Struggling Traders From All
Over The World... See What They Are Saying!
I have litterly turned my manual trading into a money making machine.. I make now 100-200 pips a week, sometimes more and I have only about 10 manual trades a week.
Marco Nierop - Netherlands

I have just completed the first week of trading live and just one trade on the EUR/USD has netted me 200 pips profit. I have cancelled all of my other subscriptions and wish I had found this 2 yrs ago.
Allen Fletcher - Australia

Like most people I have spent a lot of money on various Forex courses or signal services only to end disappointed or confused by their methods. Forex Mentor Pro run by Marc Walton is definitely the best system I have found. In my first week I made 290 pips on very low risk trades.
John - Thailand

Ive been with FMP for about 3 months now and ive had my first few winning trades aiming and averaging to about 100 pips a week which is totally great. I have never been able to go so far ever.
Jake - Australia

Now, for five consecutive months my account is growing. Last week I closed 420 pips. Not bad at all. Does that happen all the time ? No. But the pips are coming in my account every week now.
Jake - Australia

Since I have started using Marc´s methods my losing weeks are pretty eliminated. I made my best trades in my life in pips... More than 100 pips trades.
Michal - Slovakia

I have successfully been following FMP on a daily basis from the site since inseption and have grown my knowledge and made PIPs. Last month March was my best month 1168 pips.
Thanks to them I have done well and will and will recommend them.
Quinn, UK

Meet The Forex Mentor Pro Team!
Our team of professional traders dedicated to help you succeed!
Marc Walton
Full time trader, hedge fund manager and founder of Forex Mentor Pro, Marc trades Forex from his home in the sunny Canary Islands specialising and teaching his own M1-M2 trading systems.
Pierre Du Plessis
Starting as a student of FMP, Pierre studied hard and now trades Forex full time from his home in South Africa. As a mentor with us Pierre teaches his unique Earth & Sky Trading System while always maintaining a fun and cheerful atmosphere!
Omar Eltoukhy
Another long term member who turned professional trader. Omar is a valuable member of the team and has a fantastic ability to explain his analysis in a simple yet enjoyable format which helps our members excel quickly.
Forex Foundation Video Course
We get members of all skill levels joining us, some are already experienced in Forex looking to sharpen their skills while others are total beginners. We wanted to be able to help both sides of the spectrum which is why we created a complete video foundation course to teach beginners all the necessary basics needed to get started.

We take you by the hand, step by step and show you everything from setting up your trading station to basic technical analysis we use in our trading every day. Once you've gone through this course you will have a good grasp of everything you need to get started and be ready to dig into the more advanced stuff.
STT (Simple Trend Trading)
The STT (Simple Trend Trading) system is a unique "price action driven" trend trading method which is specifically designed so you can trade without being stuck in front of your charts. In fact members regularly pulls hundreds of pips out of the market each month while spending less that a few hours a week in front of their charts!

You will discover how to analyse STT trade setups and how we filter the good from the bad, you will also learn how we gauge the power of a trend before deciding which currency pairs to trade, a valuable technique that can be used with any system.

This system is the backbone of most forex trading systems including our own M1, M2 & Earth & sky systems. Once you master this simple system you will be able to trade virtually any forex method on earth!
M1 & M2 Trading System
This step-by-step course covers Marc's M1 & M2 Forex Trading Systems in full detail. It is jam-packed with "screen capture" videos which let you see exactly what's on our charts as we walk you through the method and show you dozens of setups and examples.

The M1 Forex system is a day trading system centred around London Open, if your time zone doesn't allow you to trade the London open or your current job interferes, no worries we have plenty of other methods to get around this.

The M2 Forex system focus's on a more longer term outlook and teaches you how to set what we call "trading traps" to catch pullbacks in a trend at high probability areas. This means you don't have to baby sit your trades, its a set and forget method!
Earth & Sky Trading System
Pierre's Earth & Sky trading system is a unique and powerful swing trading method focused on medium to long term trading. By utilising weekly fib levels and certain moving averages this system allows you to predict market swing point often days in advance.

Pierre also shows you exactly how he pinpoints his entries by using pivot points and then use's the Euro Index to back up his trades and add an extra edge into his trading method.

Combine that with the tips and tricks revealed in this course and you are well on your way to consistent profits.
I have been struggling with forex for about 3 years... and since learning to follow his system my trading has taken off! I went live in Jan and have been hugely profitable since. This month alone March 1 to march 12 I am up 600 pips. To echo another member this is an excellent , excellent system.
Ali - British Columbia, Canada

The daily video mentoring and analysis is where the meat of your education will take place. Every trading day we share with you our view on the markets via written and video analysis. You will be able to see our charts on video as we explain what we are looking for with each of our trading methods. You will know exactly where we are planning on making a trade and most importantly why we are planning on making a trade. This is where you will gain valuable experience as you continually check your analysis against ours and learn from the process.

Plus you get unlimited access to over 12 months worth of previous video analysis so you can easily back track and get up to speed. It's 100% meat and instantly usable material you can take action on today and begin transforming into a professional Forex trader.

   00:00             00:00      
Our private members forum is run by full time professional trader, Pierre. Pierre is available during the London & early New York Sessions to offer help & advice. If you are planning a trade and are unsure then ask Pierre for his opinion. The forum is also a a great place to meet other FMP members, many of whom have made the journey from novice to professional Forex trader and are happy to help the new members.

Unlike some of the public forums there are no ego's here. If you have a question just ask, no question is too silly, we have all been where you are and we are always happy to help. We have experienced members from around the world, so if you are unable to trade whilst Pierre is around, there is usually someone there with whom you can chat & exchange ideas.
The forum is literally a chatroom where everybody tells me.. err.. each other what trades they're in and taking and why. This truly is the best educational tool on the site. There's always someone available to ask questions to and bounce ideas off of and it's always buzzing on a Friday with all the happy people who've made hundreds of pips for the week.
Ady, UK

Ready To Get Started And Transform Your Trading?
Get started today for just $1 giving you 7 days full access
No risk, no long term commitments, you are free to cancel at any time

Safe & secure Payments
Want To See More Success Stories?
I have been with FMP right from when it first started and have found it to be professionally run and one of the best places for learning how to trade. I have only recently become consistently profitable and that was through what I learnt at FMP
Robbie - New Zealand

I have now been with Forex Mentor Pro for over a year and you don't stay with something that long unless it's worth it! The mentors each provide analysis and updates twice a week and I have to say that Marc especially can be uncannily accurate. If I could give 6 stars, I would. For what it costs, you've just got to try it!
Keith - UK

WOW!!! is the only way to discribe Marc Walton and FOREX MENTOR PRO. I've been doing forex now live now for about 3 yrs now and have spent thousands trying to learn how not to go broke with little success. Then came Marc with his low key approach and simple to follow methods and within days I was making money. Marc is a natural teacher who you can tell likes what he does. The web site has plenty of videos and e-books to study covering everything you need to become a confident trader.
If you want to become a independent traider give it a try.
Rick - USA

Over the years I have bought every $97 holy grail out there, and subscribed to more services than I care to admit to, but this is the only one I've been moved to write a review about. The service is excellent, the information is invaluable, and all underpinned by the commitment and humility of Marc and Team. If this service doesn't get you there, nothing will. Personally, I cannot speak highly enough of the service. If you join, you will not be disappointed. And trust me, I don't say stuff like this lightly!
Paul - St Albans UK

These guys are really into the business of trading not into the business of Marketing trading. Their material is clear, to the point and they teach you how to analyze the market and trade it profitably! I would recommend the site to everyone.
Eliza - Belgium

The Real Deal. A must for anyone serious about becoming a trader. I've been a member for over two years. One of the Best on the net!
AL - Phuket, Thailand

Absolutely the best forex site on the web. No smoke and mirrors. Just great common sense and understandable teaching. Worth ten times the price!
Tom Lee - USA

This is the real deal. Out of all the forex scams out there, there does exist an honest and effective service, and it is cheap! I just left a service that was $497 per month!
Marc is actually honest. Plus no paid testamonials, no crap, no upselling and so on. It sounds too good to be true, BUT it is real. After following his blogs for a few weeks, I decided to drop all my previous indicators and ideas and give his systems a go with an open mind. After now using them, I don't want to go back to my old stuff!
I'm glad I'm not trying to compete with him, (sorry old service) but feel very blessed that I was referred to this service. Regardless of your experience level, there is something for everyone here.
Thank You Marc!!!

Freqently Asked Questions
I see its $1 for the 7 day trial but whats the full cost of your service?
If you continue with our service after the trial your membership will cost $47/month. However you can cancel your membership at any time during or after the trial period.
If I take the $1 trial but decide its not for me will I be charged more money?
No. If you decide our service is not for you simply cancel your membership anytime within the trial period and you will not be charged any further membership fees.
I work full time, can I still make use of your service and trade around my job?
Yes! We focus mainly on swing trading so this is not a problem. Usually you can set your entries, stops, targets and check back later on in the day. In fact most of our professional traders prefer not to have to be at their charts all day and would rather be out doing other things.
Do I need previous trading experience to join Forex Mentor Pro?
No experience necessary. We cover everything you need to get started in out Forex Foundation course which you will have full access to once you join.
How long will it take me to become a profitable trader?
This varies from trader to trader so we can not give you an exact amount of time, some members pick it up quickly and excel while others take much longer. But if you stick at it you will make it!
Do I need any other expensive services to learn to trade, like charting?
No, we will show you where you can get a charting platform and everything you need for free. You can use a free demo account while you learn so there is no other cost involved.
Do you offer a signal service so I can copy your trades?
No, although we do explain where we are looking to trade in advance we are not a signal service. Our aim is to teach you how to find profitable trades for yourself so you are not reliant on us in the future.
What's the minimum amount I can trade with on a live account?
With some of our recommended brokers you can open a live trading account with as little as $200 but we always recommend that you start on a demo account until you have a firm grasp of trading.

ClickBank is the retailer of this product. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 917 S. Lusk Street, Suite 200, Boise Idaho, 83706, USA and used by permission. ClickBank's role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of this product or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of this product.

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